
Hi-ho, hi-ho...

Hi-ho, hi-ho, and off to higher learning we go...
In my case, the higher learning would be learning how to write out college applications; more to the point, the dreaded essay. (cue ominous music) DUM DUM DUM dum...
why is it, I wonder, that i can write the wierdest and wittiest little poems and story-ettes at the tip of the hat, but when given a week to write a college essay, the furthest that i've come is "I want to go to (insert college here) because...ummm"? It's not even a sentence, much less a good one.
heh...my inner kitty has pointed out that it's probably because i keep checking my mail every three seconds...gee. whiz.
I think it's because the selection you can make is so vague. like...you can write about this, or you can write about this, or a topic of your choice, or an essay that you did once for school.
i sort of want a choice where you don't have to write an essay, but instead a short story...or an unfinished long story...or poetry. i'd probably already have it done by now.
oh well...i may as well write about my dream to someday meet an alien species...or be the first person to climb Mt. Everest ("Wait, they did that already? Curses! Okay...and also be the first person to go back in time to climb Mt. Everest...")


non-caffeinated Mountain Dew

So, recently, my parents bought me pop.
normally, i'm ecstatic about this; it's rare that they buy me anything carbonated that isn't Sprite; but then i pulled out a can and actually looked at it.
First i see MT. DEW...i do a happy dance.
Then i see non-caffeinated...and my world turns into a pool of spiraling darkness from which there is no escape.
slightly melodramatic? yes.
but i just don't see the Point of non-caffeinated beverages. I mean, the only reason i drink some of this stuff is for the caffeine...certainly not for the taste (not so in the case of mt.dew, which is wonderful...but noncaffeinated does seem to be lacking...)
let's think about this...
energy drinks
People Drink these to wake Up!
decaf? the only reason to drink this is if you really miss the taste of coffee. ah, yes, that bitter bean taste...how do i love thee, let me count the ways....
if you really need something without caffeine, drink root beer...or sprite, 7up, water, milk, beer etcetera.
there are so many more choices than inflicting your anti-caffeine-ness on Mt. Dew or coffee.

Speaking of Mt. Dew...Throwback is amazing. i tried it at this garage sale two? three? weeks ago, and i'm hooked....not that i wasn't already.
it just TASTES better.


License plate.net

Right, then.
Before my last post was so rudely interrupted by the incoming darkness of night and all that good shtuff, I was monologuing on my brilliant ( and only occasionally evil) plans for the world, which included:
License-plate internet thingy.
Seriously, this would be AMAZING in a perfect world...y'know, where people don't spam and do mean, dumb, and pointless things to other people's completely interesting conversations (or monologues)...so i imagine the government will be using it any day now.
anyway, all naive gov't bashing aside, this idea is AMAZING. if you haven't embarked on a quest for another, more interesting blog already, i'm sure you will love it, too.
So. Here is what needs to happen.
Make a chat, website, or, hey, blog.
The usernames for people would be their license plate(s).
And if you were driving - possibly with an i-pod user in the car
(and if you have no i-pod user in your family, then I'm sure the people of the nation will be very interested in how an entire family has managed to live so long sequestered under such a small rock)
and you noticed some total jerk swerving back and forth across the road with no blinkers, brain, or regard for other people's safety, then instead of giving into road rage and beating him (or her) to a pulp with their brake light, you would tell your i-pod user to type in their license plate number into the site, and write a strongly worded comment that THERE ARE OTHER PEOPLE ON THE ROAD, TOO!
or, even, if you were waiting at a stoplight and someone gave you the go-ahead, you could note their number and later write a nice thank-you note in the form of
on their particular comments area.
Which would be cool.
Also, a side-plan to this plan would be that techno-police would frequently cruise the site and check out the #s with the most citizen citations (alliteration strikes again!) and sort of make a note of it in the official police registry.
so like, if that jerk were doing something dumb, and he (or her) got caught by the police, and they were charming the heck out of the peeps in blue, then the police person in question would check out their # on the registry...and up would pop a dozen little flags!
And, where the police was just going to give a warning, then he would say something like "i would have given you a warning, since it's your first (or second) time being caught (speeding, swerving, drag-racing, drunk-driving, mailbox smashing, being dumb, etcetera), but i looked at this and so many DIFFERENT people have marked you as hazardous, that i shall bestow upon thee the dreaded ticket and fine of doom."
Note the Different people remark...so your friends can't just pop on to give you a hard time by writing a dozen citations in ze commentary box...unless they get the entire student body to do it.
and to write a comment, you MUST have a username (i.e. license plate number).
Yeah, that would be cool.
I think i'm done for the night.
if you wish to offer up questions, answers, money, ideas, books, or banana seat bikes...
look! there's a comment box right here!
yeah, i need sleep


When i become dictator of the world....

So when i finally reach my long-awaited goal of becoming world dictator...this is the list of what i would do...
1. International library system...with "book couriers" traveling from state to state instead of just town to town. i would probably take a short vacation from my dictator job to do this for, say, a year or so.
2. Movie libraries. - like netflix, only...not in the mail, and more like an actual library. very sweetness. incorporate this with the international library system above.
3. change all keyboards to either Dvorak or Alphabetical...none of this silly qwerty business. qwerty was only invented to be difficult anyway.
4. Hand-controlled cars. in this day and age of video games, people would be more versatile with fingers anyway...and, frankly, those pedals have always freaked me out.
5. License-plate internet sytem. more on this next post, since its midnight & i have to get up tomorrow at six...mornings are my proof that god exists and that he hates me.